Serial Course Cutter Detected after Course Cutting at Santa Clarita 10k

Runner Followed up Disqualification With a Suspicious Boston Qualifying Time in Vegas


Kaye Reuschling finished in 2nd place in the F45-50 age group at The Santa Clarita 10k. The 10k is held in conjunction with the 5k, half and full marathons.

Kaye was observed as she stopped to tie her shoe on the out  portion of the out and back course. She then turned around and headed towards the finish, cutting the course short.

She was the only runner to miss the turnaround split, and was disqualified and the awards were adjusted. When she was approached, she replied “I thought I ran the whole race” but didn’t argue with her removal from the results. She also ran the 5k and the half marathons without issue. She finished the half marathon in line with most of her other races in a time of 2:13:28.

Rock n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon

The RnR Marathon course is a challenging one. Out and backs and loops. Difficult to monitor,and easy to cut.

What you can’t see from the screenshot above, is that she missed the 2.1, 20, and 25 mile splits. It is clear that she cut points of this course. She has been disqualified.

Other Results

RnR San Diego

In looking through her social media, I noticed that she had posted a picture of her marathon medal from RnR San Diego. This result did not appear on marathonguide or elsewhere. Looking her up in the app, it shows that she was disqualified.


Los Angeles RnR Half Marathon



In this race, she went from running greater than 11 minute pace to 6:30 pace between 10k and 10 miles. (She missed the 8.2 mile split).


In 2017, she claimed 2nd in her age group for The 1/2 Marathon.

She missed the 9 mile split, and once again her pace increased to the point of being unbelievable.

She also ran the 2016 and 2017 Las Vegas Marathons in roughly 4 hours each. Past year splits are no longer available for Las Vegas, so those times can not be scrutinized.

All of these results are being reported to Rock n’ Roll. RnR has done a much better job at detecting and disqualifying cheaters as of late. I am hopeful that she will be removed from the other results from prior years.


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  1. Check out her Ventura Marathon results. It wasn’t at all a stellar time, but it looks like she cut that course as well.

  2. I just ran the Vegas R&R Marathon and was pleased to see that most (if not all) of the timing mats were placed at the far end of out-and-backs and hairpin turns. Something I wouldn’t have noticed in the past, but now I pay attention to this since I started following Derek’s work.

  3. Even accounting for Tri Mum’s comment re: timing mats, this strikes me as a very poorly designed course that just screams ‘Cheat me!’

    • All RnRs are like that. Nothing but a bunch of out and backs. I have done Seattle (4 different courses), San Antonio, Vegas, Portland, Denver… they are not fast courses when you are constantly having t0 slow down to go around an orange cone 4-8x per race. Seattle even had an out and back (among the 5 others) that was less than 1/10 mile long. No joke!

      • Seriously, it’s like the RnRs go out of their way to pick the worst possible course in Seattle. Like, I get it’s a hilly city and it’s challenging to make a nice course, but this year! Up the giant hill, down the giant hill, up the giant hill, down the giant hill, down the street that was 50% steel plates and 50% potholes, and that was just the half!

        Though putting a timing mat at the end of the freeway bridge is pretty smart.

  4. The more you read Derek’ articles and see the “runner’s” pictures, it’s so obvious he/she is not in shape to run the alleged time/pace! Thank you again, Derek! (I donate regularly, especially when I read an excellent article that makes me laugh and mad at the same time!)

  5. Considering how many races she’s “run,” you would think she’d learn to go slower out the gate and progressively run faster. This woman is constantly positive splitsville until she cuts the course.

    • I don’t think she necessarily cares if she finishes the whole race at a reasonable pace. It seems she figures if she starts the race and crosses the finish line, that she has “finished”, whether or not she’s run the whole course.

  6. I just don’t even understand why you pay money to “run” if you are just going to cut the courses. Who are you trying to impress? Nobody cares, in reality, unless you are a pro or semi-pro. If you need to cut every dang course, you obviously hate running/training, and just need to move TF on and find an activity you like enough to invest your time and money into. This is the epitome of first world stupidity.

    • I wonder. Maybe she just likes the hoopla of race day and the cheers at the end. Knows she’s an 11-minute runner, and just figures that doing 50% of a run is better than sitting on the couch and doing 0%. Maybe self-absorbed, and doesn’t know any “real” runners who can’t wait to check their place in their age group, and can’t imagine how affirming that is for people who really put in the training. Who knows? Curious about her.

    • Someone should write an article about the psychology behind the cheating. From looking at this woman’s FB it seems to me that she likes the attention and positive affirmations from her friends. She posts photos of the medals and writes about how she overcame so much adversity to win these races. It is fascinating.

    • @ Anya – I couldn’t agree more with you. I don’t understand why these people waste the money. I can see the lure or paying a bib mule or cutting a course to BQ. Cutting a course in a 10K to say you won your 40-45 age group for a Facebook picture is completely foreign to me. I’ll never understand it. Sad.

  7. Rock ‘N Roll uses the multiple out and back loop courses to cut down on expenses associated with street closures and police services. Most of the participants running their event are not serious runners and could care less. The half marathon is the bread and butter for Rock ‘N Roll, the full marathon is an afterthought.

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