Complete Honolulu Marathon Results File Available Through Marathon Investigation


The Honolulu Marathon has made it extremely difficult for the average person to check the results, beyond their own.

In order to pull up another runner’s results, you need to know their name and bib number. Originally they also required that the runner’s city be entered as well. They have since removed that restriction.

It is my firm belief that they did this in response to my analysis of the 2016 Marathon results.

I am also of the belief that this action serves to enable cheating. Runners should be able to check their competitors’ results. Most races rely on runner tips to help them scrub their results. Most runners care about the accuracy of the results. Hiding split data from competitors negatively impacts the accuracy of the results.

With that, I have made the decision to share the latest Honolulu Marathon results. These are accurate as of 2 pm Eastern time on Monday, December 17th. That said, there are approximately 60 results out of the 19670 finishers that i was not able to pull in.

The below link will take you to a copy of the file where it can be downloaded or viewed. It contains split data, bib #, name and placement for all runners (except the 60 previously mentioned).

It is my hope, that The Honolulu Marathon reconsiders their decision and pens up the results for all to view.

Honolulu Marathon Results – 2018

Please Support Marathon Investigation

Every contribution helps. I am currently working full-time on Marathon Investigation. The only way to sustain this level of effort long-term and maximize my efforts to catch and act on all known cases of cheating is through your support. Please consider a small contribution. If you represent a race, feel free to reach out for partnership opportunities.

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  1. Thank you for all you do, Derek. In the mega-data age of well into the 21st century, it’s reprehensible for an RD to withhold comprehensive results. That is yet another criterium I would love to see BAA use, to deny Honolulu times as BQ’s.

  2. Do to your hard work and determination to help point out all the people that cut corners during marathons, the Honolulu marathon website has actually posted the results. Running a marathon is incredible accomplishment, and it shouldn’t be diminished by people that take the easy way out. Thanks again Derek.

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