Runner Disqualified From Lehigh Valley VIA Marathon


In the article linked below, I profiled a case of a male runner wearing a female’s bib to earn a Boston qualifying time. It did appear that the female used that time to register for Boston. If you did not read the original article, see the below link.

Another Case of Cheating at Lehigh Valley VIA Marathon

I emailed the VIA marathon with this information, and they stated that it was a misspelling of the runner’s last name along with a “gender misclassification”.

I sent a note back stating how I found it unlikely that it was unintentional for a variety of reasons including that the runner apparently used that time to register for Boston. I did not really expect to get a response beyond that. Regardless I knew that the results adjustment would result in a removal of the runner from Boston.

I was pleasantly surprised to receive this email showing that they did dig deeper, and interviewed the runner to get more information and took the appropriate action and issued the disqualification.

Please continue to send any tips to


  1. Now if McKeever could come to grips with enabling Mike Rossi's cheating to get to Boston she'd gain a modicum of real respect. Barb: there is no statute of limitations on doing the right thing.

  2. It's very sad that MI had to expose such a blatant cheat! If race promoters don't start taking some accountability for their events being fair, monitored and policed for cheats they should not be BQ races. This will only happen if BAA create some minimum standards for this otherwise nothing will change. We should see the end of 2 timing mat races etc…

  3. This is good, but it does not come close to redeeming her from her stupendously stupid decision to let Rossi get by. If she had any sense, she'd DQ him tomorrow morning, but then again, she has no sense.

    And Yasso needs to keep in touch with the railroad more than 2.5 months before the race-idiot.

  4. Today when I searched Boston Marathon's entry list with the last name "Hong" there is not Jung-something from NJ. Does that mean the cheater has already been removed from Boston? Great work!

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