Runner Associated With Boston Charity Used Questionable Result To Get Her 2016 Boston Marathon Bib


This runner’s first marathon was in 2013. Her official results show a time of just under 6 hours. According to a news article, she used this marathon to raise money for a family to go to Disney. The families little girl suffered from a variety of heart defects. This little girl also has siblings that were diagnosed with similar medical issues according to the article. Susan was successful in raising over $10,000 for this family.The article did not elaborate on how the marathon played into the fundraising efforts.

I bring this marathon up, because of of a passage in the article references her finishing time of 4:24:30. Her actual time was just under 6 hours.


2014 Marathons

In 2014, she appears in the results of 3 marathons. New York, Hartford, and Miami.


The Hartford Marathon stands out. After running her first two marathons in times well over 5 hours, she finished this race in a time of 4:17:18. Looking up her results, she missed all of the intermediate timing mats. It would appear that this result is not legitimate.


2015 Marathons

She appears in the results of 4 marathons in 2015. Marine Corps Marathon, Chicago, Miami, and Boston (She had a charity bib for Boston ’15). All except for Miami were run in over 5 hours.

Not surprisingly, she missed splits in Miami.



She also has been disqualified from Chicago and The Marine Corps Marathons. 


When looking at her finish line photos, I saw she was wearing an MR8 singlet. MR8 is named after Martin Richard, the youngest victim of the Boston bombings.

The mission of the charity is “To honor Martin’s message of peace by investing in athletics, education and community.”

Martin Richard Foundation – Charity Page

However, she used her time from Miami to run The 2016 Boston Marathon. She did not obtain a charity bib for the 2016 Boston Marathon. According to her fundraising page, she raised $1300 for the charity.

This charity is described as an exclusive charity. She, along with others, were chosen from a large pool of applicants to run for MR8. Not only did she take a spot in the marathon away from a qualifier, she potentially took a spot away from someone who deserved the opportunity to run for this charity.


I have notified The Miami Marathon, and they are investigating her result.


2016 Marathons


She finished Boston with a time of 6:09:30.

She also ran the Vermont City Marathon. That race was plagued by severe heat. The course was actually shut down early due to the danger to the runners. She appears fresh in her medal photos after clocking a time of 4:07:52. She missed all of the intermediate timing mats. She has been disqualified.


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