2017 Boston Marathon Age Group Award Winner Disqualified


The original 3rd place finisher in the women’s 60-64 Age group has been disqualified.

The runner’s photos have been untagged from marathonfoto. But by looking at other runners’ that finished at the same time, I was able to grab this photo.


This runner does not appear to be 63 years old, and the original finisher was named Maryanne. The original runner qualified at The 2015 New York Marathon.

Additional Information

A couple of interesting side notes.

My algorithm estimates Boston finishing time based on a variety of factors. My general focus is towards runners that finish Boston in a much slower time than I predicted. This runner fell at the opposite end of the spectrum. Out of 20,742 runners that I have on the list, this runner was ranked 20,738. This is a case of someone selling or giving a bib to a much faster runner. I’ve looked at the bottom end of my list before, but will spend more time this year.

This runner was reported by someone that noticed the result, and this runner reported her to the B.A.A. I also identified this runner after the DQ by comparing current results vs my initial download.


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  1. This does not appear to be malicious, but rather clueless or inconsiderate. It appears the older lady gave or sold her bib to someone else after deciding not to run.

    • Which is a clear violation of the rules, and allowed the younger woman to ran the race without qualifying.

    • and here come the parade of apologists: It wasn’t malicious?! (Of course it wasn’t; “malicious” is the wrong word choice: evil? no) “It’s not a big deal”? “She’s just stupid?” Nonsense!. Fist off, how do we know what her intent was? Second, it’s clearly against the rules, has been for a very long time and has been “out there” as a major no, no based on others who have done the same thing. Ignorance isn’t a defense especially for anyone who qualified in NYC where it’s illegal, as well to do. Sorry, but “malintent” is clear. Now, she may have been neglectful, lazy or arrogant in not telling the bandit to NOT run a BQ let alone win her age group. Or the bandit was just plane stupid and forgot. Regardless, she knew what she was doing in giving her bib up and I find her actions bad, real bad. Would hope that she’s banned in NYC, too for good. And the bandit, too.

  2. Peter, how did you jump to that conclusion, that this is not malicious? Taking an Age Group award from someone else by giving/selling your bib to someone else is malicious. Giving/selling your bib is against the rules, which she knew otherwise she would not have deleted the photos, and particularly in this marathon malicious, knowing a younger person is running under your name and likely BQ’ing you for the next Boston!!! You’ve seen how Gia Alvarez was crucified across the Internet. How is this any different when it’s an older lady getting a bib mule?

  3. I commend your work. Welcome to check me out as I will be somewhere at the bottom of your list. Injuries and the heat took its toll on me…and I ran a personal worst. Bad enough I would have investigated myself! My 700+ races should support my qualification(s). Thanks again. Leno Rios

  4. out of curiousity, what did this woman end up running time wise. I wouldn’t presume to guess how old she is so wondering if she’d have the ability to go under 3:35 anyways?

  5. The actual 60-64 age group female winner was cheated out of the perhaps once in a life time memory of walking up on the Fairmont Plaza Hotel Ballroom stage as her name was called out in front of her family friends and fellow runners including the world’s elite. This is the sinful tragedy that is inexcusable.

  6. I’m reasonably confident from social media profiles that the substitute runner is the daughter of the qualifier.

    • The daughter ran Boston under her own name in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Her 2016 time would not have been good enough to qualify her for 2017.

      Now here is the very interesting thing, assuming my maths and information is correct. Daughter’s 2016 result was off her best. She was under BQ but only by 2.04. The cut-off for 2017 was 2.09. So unless she had another qualifying event she missed her 5th in a row by 5 seconds. Maybe mother decided to sacrifice her own qualification to allow daughter to run her 5th?

      • The ironic part is the 2.04 might have been good enough to get in if it were not for other cheaters taking up spots.

        Doesn’t justify behavior but just an interesting side bit thanks for looking that up Moses

        • If it is her daughter and she’s run it four years in a row you’d think she’d have the sense not to run so fast.

  7. 24698 is a yellow charity bib though. It’s my understanding that yellow bibs have the qualifying time waived. Still it’s obviously wrong to give your bib to someone else – they are absolutely non-transferable.

  8. I don’t care what her intentions where, or if it was malicious. Sick and tired of this BS. BAA needs life ban with legal penalties for these morons.

  9. It’s just silly for someone like that knowingly accepting an age group award. What was she thinking?!

  10. It’s time to look at the older athletes for evidence of doping, especially in the 50 YO range. Check the history, and you’ll see some stunning ‘recovery time’ between marathons. 😉

    • She’s a Chapel Hill fan. Those people don’t know how not to cheat. It’s in their DNA. Athletic success trumps integrity.

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