19 Runners Disqualified From The 2017 Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

As I posted last week, many of the runners that I have written about have been disqualified from Boston. These disqualifications included Alexander Schwarz,  the runner who, according to 3 witnesses hopped the train in order to record a sub 3:00:00 marathon time as well as others that I have written about.

The breakdown of the disqualifications is as follows:

11 Runners With Missed Splits

4 Runners Involved in Bib Copying (Original Bib owners profiled in Reebok/Charity articles)

4 Runners Ran with Another Runner’s original bib


8 of these runners had posted Boston Qualifying times.

Below are a few examples of additional runners that were disqualified:




3:07:00 BQ Time Male 60-64 Age Group

A clear case of bib swapping.

3:54:00 BQ Time Female 50-54 Age Group

A clear case of bib swapping.

Still no disqualification for George Taylor and a few others. I will continue to follow up and monitor the results page.

Thank you to all of those that have already contributed to the site. Contributions go towards site expenses, and to compensate those that help gather the data. Please consider making a small contribution to support the site.


One Time Contribution



  1. How did the 60-64 year old “Benjamin Button” guy get caught? This is huge for my running buddy who was hoping to be in the top 10 for that AG. He was 11th, but is now 10th!

    Thanks for posting this Derek!

    • Curious though. The Boston “Top Finishers” results still show the guy that I think had the bib mule. Understandable that it hasn’t been updated yet. But, his time there is listed as 3:10:47, not 3:07.

    • This is why Derek’s efforts are so important – justice for your friend who deservedly finished 10th. I feel sorry for anyone denied a podium place because of a cheater, but better to catch them after the event than not at all.

  2. That 3:54 time could be a 50-54 yr old woman… If so she should do a vlog and health tips on looking young!

  3. no George Taylor yet! oh, my! what is the holdup? so funny. As far as the rest go, good job by the BAA.

  4. Call me jaded, but I can’t see a 3:23 marathoner tying a jacket loosely around her waist. Even a slow slug as myself can’t tolerate the flopping.

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