Mo’ Cowbell 6th Place Runner Officially Disqualified – By His Own Watch


In a prior article, I presented evidence that James Brady cut the course on the way to a 6th place finish at ‘Mo Cowbell Marathon. His significant negative split, coupled with missed timing mats were evidence enough that James cut the course.

The timer of the race reached out after seeing the article, and confirmed that they formally disqualified James. after seeing his photos at the finish line.



18.74 miles. 3:03:12. He turned around somewhere between miles 16 and 17. Reminiscent of The Jane Seo story, the GPS evidence photo confirmed what was already apparent.

Great job by the race and the timing officials for quickly reacting to the evidence. To summarize:

  • Missing splits after 1/2 Marathon
  • Large Negative Split on a very hot and humid day
  • Stopped for Selfie just after mile 14
  • Finish photo provides the final piece of evidence that he cut the course


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  1. Gotta love the combo of GPS-tracking watches and high-res cameras! This was sure a slam-dunk. Anyone find any of his previous race history for comparison? Nice work, Derek!

    • Yeah, I mean give a guy a chance at least! At least he could learn from Jane Seo’s mistakes and manipulate his bike cadence a little better

  2. Big Wick – Derek reported on one of his previous races in the first article he wrote about this guy: “James did have an apparently legitimate 3:27:43 finish at The Austin Marathon earlier in 2018.”

  3. According to the Mo’ Bell FaceBook page, later on in the race runners were being turned around at mile 17.

    “Due to increasing heat, the Medical Director has ordered marathon runners to be turned around before crossing the bridge at mile 17 to return to the finish. Runner safety is always our number one priority.”

    Interesting. So there will be some people in the results who did the full 26.2 miles, and some who did not. Makes things a bit messy.

  4. He didnt cheat. What happened was that he hurt his leg and turned around and when he got to the finish line he was asked if he did the whole marathon and he said he only did the half. Witch would make him the exact oppisite of a cheater he was honest about it. He ran 5 miles over the half way mark. And he only claimed the half marathon medal. Even tho he paid for the full marathon. So he isnt a cheater at all he is a honest marathon runner.

    • If he ran 5 miles past halfway and then turned around, his total mileage would have been much more than his watch showed. And again, he posted on his Facebook that he did it, and posted his total time.

  5. This article is false and slanderous. James paid for and intended to run the full marathon. He was injured on/about 18 miles and turned around unable to complete the race. He notified the finish line officials and was awarded a HALF MARATHON medal. He has since been under attack from the running community. Shame.

    • Hello Lynette.

      He posted on his Facebook that he did it, and he posted his time.
      His watch said he crossed the finish after doing 18.74 miles. Had he been injured at the 18 mile mark on the course, he would have run much further in total in order to cross the finish line.

      Finish line photo shows him running through the finish, crossing the mat.

    • And quite frankly, if your statement is true, he would have posted his HALF MARATHON TIME. He certainly wouldn’t have bragged about finishing a half in 3 hours. I get that you are his mom and want to believe him, but use some common sense.

  6. Regardless of what “James paid for” most races don’t allow you to just change your mind halfway through the race. If you are registered for the full, you run the full. If you are unable to complete it you are given a DNF or DQ, you don’t just say “well, I did at least half, so am entitled to a medal/award for completing that much. Part of the sport is the occasional failure and the grace to accept it. If races do allow changes from one distance to another, these arrangements are typically required to be made prior to the beginning of the race, sometimes days or weeks before. The right thing to do would have been to decline the half medal, accept the DNF and register for another shot at the race next year, if he was so inclined.

  7. What’s really sad is when people are unwilling to accept truth, even when shown CLEAR and DEFINITIVE evidence of lies. And they even attempt to further argue in favor of the lies, as seen in some of the above comments.

    I guess the only thing to do is just ignore such people, and restrict their ability to perpetuate the lie, once it becomes clear they refuse to lift their heads out of the sand, no matter what. One of the worst effects of the internet is that “restricting” such people’s ability to perpetuate lies is a lot harder than it used to be.

  8. i work hard to do marathons. much is mental. if we could just chop and change as and when we feel like it, we would be doing neither the race nor the preparation. you do what you train and set out to do, or you fail. without that, victory is not sweet.

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